I Can Be Friends With You And Song

Hahaha, seriously? Well,

I think everyone who drive with me are willing to sing with me. Person who always sings a song along the road is Indor, we always sing a song together. I often choose the so g, and sometimes he chooses. It was when he still at Jogja, and after he left the city the person who often drive a car with me is Ipin. He never sings a song, but when I need a friend to be crazy with, I will ask him to sing and he will sing and sometimes dance with me. He's great. 
Another kind of friend that never complain that I always set a song on repeat is Kutit. Yesterday we walked out together to see the rain, and I set Naya Rivera's song on repeat and start to sing alone because Kutit disbt know this song. He listened me and didn't complain that I always play the same song. I have Yana then, who never sing in the car (yes I know he is bad at singing) but in some reffrain of the song that he knows, he sings with me. And some other friends like Wildan maybe that complain me for never change the songs of playlist.

Then Azma. I never play a song on the ar when we drive. I love to be quiet, and talk  to each other along the way to somewhere. I could hear every breath that she takes. Because not all kind of people gonna accept the way you drive, and I'm trying to be flexible. 


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