Hari Kesekian

Hey, how's ur life there?

Beberapa menit menuju tanggal 14 Februari nih, ya meskipun aku bukan kaum yang merayakan valentine dan membelikanmu coklat lalu mengecup keningmu. Ah, aku lupa bagaimana cara kita merayakan valentine tahun lalu, tapi sepertinya tahun ini aku akan merayakan valentine sendirian dan dengan caraku sendiri. 

I've been tired of wondering about whether debar di hati that I think is real because you still had the taste. Tired of guessing whether you still feel the same pulse. Tired ascertain whether what I feel,  is same on you. Every day trying to not find out about you is a struggle, and I always lost. No matter how strong, I could not resist the desire to follow you if only to find no bad news. Foolish love that makes us conscious still want to hear things are only going to hurt.

Some people believe their problem in a few cigarettes and suck it hard, rather than talk to someone to be heard. But I got companion today, a cup of hot chocolate with flavour and few cigarettes.


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